Eco-friendly and less polluting driving. Driving courses of category A, A2
Learning begins:
58 (ac. h.)
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The training programme will help a person to acquire the necessary knowledge and become a qualified driver of category A or A2, thereby increasing his employability and entry into the labour market.A person who has completed these courses will contribute to less environmental pollution by driving an A, A2 vehicle.The purpose of the training is to provide new competencies. The expected results are the acquired competence in driving a vehicle of categories A, A2.Minimum requirements for a participant - category A from 24 years old / category A2 from 18 years old.Minimum qualification requirements for a participant - Exception for category A - a person can study in category A before the age of 24, if he has acquired 2 years of driving experience in category A2.
Important information
Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa
Minimum requirements for the participant
No requirements
Acquired and improved competencies
Personal, social and learning to learn competence
Professional competencies:
Drive a vehicle of category A or A2.
Content of the learning program
Topic name | Brief description of the topic |
Topic name
Driving Rules V
Brief description of the topic
-Specific traffic conditions -Peculiarities of traffic of special vehicles -Types of responsibility -Duties of drivers -Risky traffic situations
Topic name
Practical driving on the site
Brief description of the topic
-Proper preparation for safe driving -Start of driving - Manoeuvring on the driving training ground
Topic name
Driving Rules VI
Brief description of the topic
-Influence of psychophysiological state - Causes of traffic accidents - Driving risk factors - Safe distance
Topic name
Driving Rules IX
Brief description of the topic
-Insurance -Mechanical breakdowns of vehicles with the greatest impact on traffic safety and the environment, their elimination in the most appropriate way
Topic name
Driving Rules VIII
Brief description of the topic
-Safety factors related to the vehicle, cargo and passengers -Economic driving -Route planning
Topic name
Driving Rules II
Brief description of the topic
-Traffic control signals -Start and manoeuvre of the ride
Topic name
Driving Rules I
Brief description of the topic
-Technical operation of a category A vehicle, safety of work.-Road signs, road markings
Topic name
Driving in real traffic
Brief description of the topic
-Safe and economical driving on stationary roads -Safe and economical driving on busy roads -Safe and economical training for specific driving -Safe and economical driving according to the target route -Development of driving skills according to individual needs (in the parking lot and / or in real traffic conditions)
Topic name
Driving Rules IV
Brief description of the topic
-Stopping and parking -Driving speed -Towing vehicles -Freight transport
Topic name
Driving Rules VII
Brief description of the topic
-Specific risk factors -Hazards related to the movement and driving of various vehicles -Documents -Actions in the event of an accident
Topic name
Driving Rules III
Brief description of the topic
-Driving through intersections -Driving through railway intersections
Topic name
Brief description of the topic
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Brief description of the topic
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Brief description of the topic
Topic name
Brief description of the topic
Topic name
Brief description of the topic
Topic name
Brief description of the topic
Topic name
Brief description of the topic
Topic name
Brief description of the topic
Topic name
Brief description of the topic
Duration of the learning programme
Duration of the learning programme: 58 (ac. h.)
Duration of practical contact work: 41 (ac. h.)
Duration of theoretical contact work: 17 (ac. h.)
Duration of self-employment: 0 (ac. h.)
System / scale of assessment of acquired competencies: Įskaityta.
Important information
Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa
Minimum requirements for the participant
No requirements
Šiuo metu grupių nėra.Ratings
Mokymus baigusių asmenų bendras mokymosi programos įvertinimas
Ar vykdytų mokymų turinys atitiko Mokymosi programos turinį?
Ar mokymo medžiaga / priemonės padėjo geriau suprasti Mokymosi programos turinį?
Ar mokymai Jums buvo naudingi?
Ar rekomenduotumėte šią Mokymosi programą savo pažįstamiems?
Ar įgytas žinias, gebėjimus, įgūdžius taikote / taikysite kasdieniame darbe / gyvenime?
Ar mokymų vieta / aplinka buvo palanki mokymuisi?
Ar gerai vertinate Mokymosi programą vykdžiusio asmens darbą?
Ar mokymų organizavimas buvo tinkamas?
Ar pakankamai buvo praktinio darbo / praktinių užsiėmimų?
Ar pasiteisino Jūsų lūkesčiai įgyti, patobulinti kompetenciją (-as) (žinias, įgūdžius, gebėjimus)?
Ar Mokymosi programą vykdęs asmuo sukūrė gerą psichologinę atmosferą?
Reviews from who completed the training
Viskas gerai su mokymais, tik kitą kartą sitčiau geriau komunikuoti ir pranešti, kai kažkas pasikeičia atsiųstame grafike.
Organizatoriams reiketu labiau stengtis iskomunikuoti informacija apie pasikeitimus visiems ir visada (jei kazkurioje paskaitoje buvo persitartas laikas paskaitu ar siaip kazkas svarbaus pamineta, butu gerai informuoti visus,nes nevisada visi speja i paskaitas ir velliau reikia ieskotis info arba likti sutrikus). O apskritai, viskas labai super! O kitokio vairavimo teorijos destytojo net negaleciau isivaizduoti 👌😊👍
Jiems reikia pirma pasiruošti ir išmokti programa ZOOM ir kompiuteriu, o ne pradėti mokintis visa tai kai pradedamas dėstyti kursas. Nuotolinis kursas, kokybė 0.
Esu viskuo labai patenkintas. Viskas puikiai suorganizuota ir pravesta. Rekomenduoju!
Labai geri mokymai, rekomenduosiu draugams :)
Tikrai nuoširdžiai nustebau, kaip įmonė pravedė, suorganizavo ir įvykdė mokymus. Dėmesingas bendravimas, gerai suorganizuotis techninės priemonės ir aiškumas.
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