Information for providers

- Description of the ILA system
- Lithuanian Government Resolution on ILA financing priorities
- Description of the quality assurance procedure for learning programs published in the ILA system
- Description of the administration and financing procedures of the ILA system
- Informal Adult Education and Lifelong Learning Law
In the KURSUOK platform, we welcome providers who organize learnings in various fields. The priority areas and target groups for state-funded programmes in the Individual Learning Accounts (ILA) system are determined by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (see the current version in lituanian).
The budget for state-funded programmes in the IMP system is set at 12 million Euros until April 2026.
What criteria must learners meet?
Individuals registrated in the ILA system are considered a priority group if they meet all of these criteria:
What are the priority areas for funded learning programmes?
50% of the allocated funding is allocated to the first priority area for state-funded programs in the ILA system.
A total of 50% of the allocated funding is allocated to the second to eighth priority areas for state-funded programs in the ILA system, collectively.
Digital competence involves the reliable, critical, and responsible use of digital technologies for the purposes of learning, work, and participation in society, as well as their mastery. It includes the ability to use information and data, communication and collaboration, media literacy, digital content creation (including programming), security (including digital well-being and competence related to cybersecurity), issues related to intellectual property, problem-solving, and critical thinking.
Mathematical competence is the ability to develop and apply mathematical thinking and insight in solving various everyday problems. Emphasizing the process, activity, and knowledge of good calculation skills. Mathematical competence, to varying degrees, includes the ability and willingness to use mathematical ways of thinking and expression (formulas, models, constructs, diagrams, schemas). Natural science competence is the ability and willingness to explain the natural world using applied knowledge and methodology, including observation and experimentation, in order to raise questions and draw evidence-based conclusions. Technology and engineering competencies are perceived as the application of these knowledge and methods, taking into account perceived human desires or needs. Competencies in natural sciences, technology, and engineering encompass the perception of changes caused by human activity and personal responsibility as a citizen.
Entrepreneurial competence is the ability to take action, seize opportunities based on ideas, and transform them into valuable assets for others. It is grounded in creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, initiative, perseverance, and the ability to work collaboratively to plan and manage projects with cultural, social, or financial significance.
This competence is defined as the ability to communicate appropriately and effectively in various languages. It shares many aspects of skills with literacy: it is based on the ability to understand, express, and explain concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts, and opinions both orally and in writing (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in the relevant societal and cultural contexts on a scale according to each person's desires or needs. Language competence includes a historical aspect and intercultural competences. It depends on the ability to act as an intermediary in different languages and media, as specified in the Common European Framework of Reference. In relevant cases, it may include maintaining and further developing the competence of native language skills and learning the official (state) language of the country.
Personal, social, and learning to learn competence is the ability to reflect on one's behavior, effectively manage time and information, work constructively with others, remain resilient, and manage one's learning and career. It encompasses the ability to overcome uncertainty and complexity, acquire learning skills, maintain physical and emotional well-being, take care of one's health and lead a future-oriented life, be empathetic, and manage conflicts in an inclusive and supportive context.
Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, express, create, and explain concepts, feelings, facts, and opinions, both orally and in writing, using various types of visual, auditory, and digital materials in different subjects and contexts. It is the ability to communicate effectively, appropriately, and creatively with others. Literacy education is the foundation for further learning and linguistic communication. Depending on the circumstances, literacy competence can be developed in one's native language, the language of instruction, and/or the country's official language.
Citizenship competence is the ability to act as a responsible citizen and participate fully in civic and societal life by understanding social, economic, legal, and political concepts and structures, global events, and sustainability aspects.
Cultural awareness and expression competence – understanding and consideration of how ideas and meanings are creatively expressed and conveyed in various cultures through various forms of art and other cultural expressions. It involves the desire to understand, create, and express one's ideas and thoughts about one's place or role in society in various ways and contexts.
How to submit a learning programme?
- Description of the ILA system
- Lithuanian Government Resolution on ILA financing priorities
- Description of the quality assurance procedure for learning programs published in the ILA system
- Description of the administration and financing procedures of the ILA system
- Informal Adult Education and Lifelong Learning Law
Want to attract more learners to your programmes? KURSUOK is an excellent opportunity for professional learning programmes providers to gain even more popularity, recognition, and receive state funding of up to 500 Euros per person for the services provided (more information can be found in the ILA system administration and financing procedures. Information is in lithuanian). Additionally, individuals who wish to improve but do not meet the specified criteria to get funding can find your programme on KURSUOK and cover the costs personally.
Information on how to submit a programme can be found in the Quality Assurance Guidelines (information is in lithuanian), which regulate the requirements for learning programmes, assessment, and monitoring of programme implementation.
Does your organization have the right to implement non-formal adult education programs in accordance with the procedures established by the Law on Non-formal Adult Education and Continuing Education?
In this case, it is not possible to publish educational programs on the IMP system.
Is your organization registered in the Register of Education, Science, and Sports Institutions (ŠMIR)?
More information on how to register in the ŠMIR is available here.
Is your organization connected to the Non-formal Education Programs Register (NŠPR)?
More information on becoming an NŠPR user is available here (information is in lithuanian).
The process of submitting learning programmes to KURSUOK
1. General education, non-formal education schools, educational support institutions, free teachers, and other educational providers who wish to register in ŠMIR should contact the respective municipality's Education Department (see the contact list).
ŠMIR administrators in municipalities require: valid articles of association or regulations registered in the Register of Legal Entities (JAR) with specified educational activities, a commitment, and an institution's data registration card, which are provided in the attachments to the "ŠMIR Procedure Description"
2. Higher education institutions, vocational training institutions, and research institutes seeking registration in ŠMIR should contact via email at or by phone 8 658 18 402.
The registry data is published in the Open Information, Consultation, and Orientation System (AIKOS) at the address
More information: ŠMIR.
To become an NŠPR user, an institution must be registered in ŠMIR.
For ŠMIR registration, please contact your municipality (based on your location).
After registering in ŠMIR, you need to fill out the application and commitment forms, which can be downloaded from the NŠPR page.
If the application and commitment are filled out by a representative of the institution, the institution's (department's) leader must also sign them.
Please send the completed documents by email to
The User Guide is intended for providers of adult non-formal learning programmes adapted for the Individual Learning Account Information System (ILA IS). It provides information about the stages of programme registration and eligibility assessment for submission to ILA IS. Download it here.
The guideline on thraining information changes (PDF). Information is in lithuanian.
Providers account in ILA system
- Description of the ILA system
- Lithuanian Government Resolution on ILA financing priorities
- Description of the quality assurance procedure for learning programs published in the ILA system
- Description of the administration and financing procedures of the ILA system
- Informal Adult Education and Lifelong Learning Law
The Individual Learning Account (ILA) system is an interinstitutional system that operates on a single-window principle, offering opportunities for non-formal adult education and lifelong learning programs. It enables individuals to apply for funding allocated by state institutions to improve or acquire competencies.
For more information about provider rights and responsibilities, program selection and registration, program financing through the ILA vouncher, fund utilization, and accountability, you can refer to the ILA system's administration and financing guidelines (information is in lithuanian).
Currently, a user guide for the ILA system is being prepared and improved.
The provider manages their account in the ILA system by logging in through the Electronic Governance Gateway.
IMPORTANT! Only those learning programmes which quality has been approved in accordance with the Quality Assurance Rules are published in the ILA system (more information).
How finansing process looks like?
The financing and administration of learning programmes are carried out by the European Social Fund Agency (ESFA). Possible state funding per person is up to 500 Euros.
IMPORTANT! A person who has completed the learning program is considered to be the one who received the completion assessment result of the learning program by the provider's specified assessment method, filled out the learning program evaluation questionnaire, and received a certificate.