Viešoji įstaiga "Švietimo pagalbos projektai"
Early care for children with developmental (autism spectrum) disorders
Learning begins:
65 (ac. h.)
Price from:
500 €
About course
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The program is intended for parents, guardians, educational and social care specialists of children with developmental disabilities who seek to improve their abilities to work with children with developmental disabilities. The program will provide knowledge and skills on how to recognize the child's developmental disorders, draw up a child's education plan, develop his social, communicative, linguistic, athletic, positive behavior, independence abilities using moderate methods.
Important information
Way of learning
Remote synchronous
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa
Volume of credits
Minimum requirements for the participant
Language level
Acquired and improved competencies
Personal, social and learning to learn competence
Professional competencies:
Recognize the signs of developmental disorder
To develop functional communication in children
Apply the principles of promoting positive behavior in the development of children's abilities
To develop children's social abilities
Recognize the signs of sensory dysfunction, select and apply methods/ means of assistance
Apply the main ways of helping to develop children's independence skills
Content of the learning program
Topic name | Brief description of the topic |
Topic name
Development of social abilities of children with developmental disabilities
Brief description of the topic
During the teaching of the topic, it is planned to review the main social abilities of children of early age with developmental disabilities, their development (for example, playing skills, the ability to perform vieksms in turn, perception of social rules, etc.).During the teaching of the topic, the main methods of assistance applied in the development of social skills of children with developmental disabilities will be presented
Topic name
The skills of self-sufficiency of children with developmental disabilities and their development.The influence of the development of motor abilities on the skills of self-sufficiency
Brief description of the topic
During the teaching of the topic, it is planned to review the basic skills of independence of children of early age with developmental disabilities, their development (for example, dressing, self-eating, hygiene skills.).During the teaching of the topic, the main methods of assistance applied in the development of the independence skills of children with developmental disabilities will be presented, practical examples will be given.During the teaching of the topic, it is also planned to present a poem on the development of children's motor abilities, emphasizing the influence of these abilities on the skills of independence, on the planning of the child's employment.
Topic name
Signs of multifaceted developmental disorders. Features of the behavior and communication of children with autism spectrum disorder and their influence on the development of the child.
Brief description of the topic
During the teaching of the topic, participants will get acquainted with the signs and features of various developmental disorders and their influence on the child's social, communicative abilities and behavior.It is planned to introduce the participants to the children's pre-language skills and to present the importance of these skills for the development of the child.During the teaching of the topic, participants will understand why it is important to recognize the needs of the child, how to assess them and select the appropriate methods of developing / helping basic skills (for example, TEACCH method, Early Beginning Denver method, Applied Behavior Analysis, D.I.R.Floortime, etc.)
Topic name
The principles of promoting positive behavior and their application in the education of children with developmental disabilities.The concept of problematic behavior.
Brief description of the topic
During the teaching of the topic, it is planned to present the principles of promoting positive behavior, which are applied in the development of social, communicative abilities of children with developmental disabilities.It is planned to introduce the concept of problem behavior and the methods of assistance that can be applied by parents or specialists who are faced with problematic or challenging behaviors in children with developmental disabilities.
Topic name
Sensory challenges for children with developmental disabilities and ways to alleviate them
Brief description of the topic
During the teaching of the topic, it is planned to introduce the concept of sensory dysfunction, to give examples of hyper and hypo sensitivity of children with developmental disorders in different areas of the senses.It is planned to present the links of sensory dysfunction with possible behavioral problems in children, to present the main ways of assistance to children with developmental disorders and sensory dysfunction, possible desentization strategies.Ways to facilitate sensory integration through sports, physical activity activities will also be presented
Topic name
Development of communicative abilities of children with developmental disabilities. What is functional communication and why is it important for children with developmental disorders?
Brief description of the topic
During the teaching of the topic, it is planned to get acquainted with the concept of functional communication, the importance of functional communication and the influence on the elegesis of children with developmental disabilities.The main steps on how to develop communication in children will be presented, practical examples will be given.
Features of the program
The program is intended for parents, guardians, educational and social care specialists of children with developmental disabilities who seek to improve their abilities to work with children with developmental disabilities.The training will be held remotely in a synchronous manner.Duration of the learning programme
Duration of the learning programme: 65 (ac. h.)
Duration of practical contact work: 41 (ac. h.)
Duration of theoretical contact work: 14 (ac. h.)
Duration of self-employment: 10 (ac. h.)
System / scale of assessment of acquired competencies: Įskaityta.
Important information
Way of learning
Remote synchronous
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa
Volume of credits
Minimum requirements for the participant
Language level
Name, Surname
Ilona Totoraitė
+370 656 85 550
8 grupė
Vacancies: 30
Training period:
2025-01-16 - 2025-02-17
Way | Place | Group size | Language | Lecturers | Price | Registration |
Remote synchronous
Group size
500 €
2024-12-11 - 2025-01-12
Mokymus baigusių asmenų bendras mokymosi programos įvertinimas
Ar gerai vertinate Mokymosi programą vykdžiusio asmens darbą?
Ar Mokymosi programą vykdęs asmuo sukūrė gerą psichologinę atmosferą?
Ar vykdytų mokymų turinys atitiko Mokymosi programos turinį?
Ar mokymo medžiaga / priemonės padėjo geriau suprasti Mokymosi programos turinį?
Ar mokymų vieta / aplinka buvo palanki mokymuisi?
Ar mokymų organizavimas buvo tinkamas?
Ar pasiteisino Jūsų lūkesčiai įgyti, patobulinti kompetenciją (-as) (žinias, įgūdžius, gebėjimus)?
Ar mokymai Jums buvo naudingi?
Ar pakankamai buvo praktinio darbo / praktinių užsiėmimų?
Ar rekomenduotumėte šią Mokymosi programą savo pažįstamiems?
Ar įgytas žinias, gebėjimus, įgūdžius taikote / taikysite kasdieniame darbe / gyvenime?
Reviews from who completed the training
Džiaugiuosi, kad mokymų įrašai buvo įkelti, nes galėjau peržiūrėti sau tinkamu laiku. Ačiū
Noriu pasidžiaugti mokymų lankstumu. Itin pravartu buvo tai jog mokymai buvo įrašomi.
Naudingi mokymai, puikūs lektoriai, išsamu, daug praktinių pavyzdžių. Kam aktualu, tikrai rekomenduoju.
Nuoširdi padėka mokymų lektoriams, tai buvo neįkainojama dovana dalyvauti tokiuose mokymuose, kuriuose kaskart norėjosi kuo daugiau išgirsti, įsiklausyti, išmokti ir prisiminti mokomąją medžiagą, pasidalintą gerąją patirtį. Tokios vertės mokymai atnešė didelę gausą žinių, kurias būtinai panaudosiu dirbant su vaikais, turinčiais raidos sutrikimų.
Dabar neturiu
Labai informatyvūs, detalūs ir gausia vaizdine medžiaga paremti mokymai. Vieni iš geriausių mokymų. Rekomenduoju visiems, besidomintiems šia tema.
Viskas patiko, buvo pateikta daug naudingų pavyzdžių, kaip padėti autizmo spektro sutrikimą turinčius vaikus, kaip padėti jiems įsitraukti į kasdienį gyvenimą bei ugdymo procesą. Ačiū.
Labai patiko mokymai, labai vertinga dalis buvo apie socialinus įgūdžius, tik lektorė pateikė labai daug informacijos ir atrodo, kad šiek tiek pritrūko laiko aptarti pateiktus metodus.
Dienotvarkė būdavo labai įtempta ir į mokymų dienos pabaigą jau buvo sunku išlaikyti dėmesį. Rekomenduočiau mokymus daryti labiau ištęstus, kurie vyktų po pusę dienos, tuomet efektyvumas būtų žymiai didesnis.
Labai džiaugiuosi mokymų organizatorių lankstumu, gauta mokymų medžiaga ir puikiu lektorių darbu.
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