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Management and administration
Entrepreneurship training: how to sell more
MB Agmokymai

Entrepreneurship training: how to sell more

Learning begins:
54 (ac. h.)
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The program is designed for those who seek to create / develop a successful business or increase sales in professional activities.Sales are a process that is worth knowing, because this process surrounds us on a daily basis.A successful business or a career in sales consists of the main components: completed sales and advertising.The program is designed taking into account the fundamental problems of the labor market and business, the expectations expressed by employers.To achieve the desired results in professional activities, it is important to have sufficient knowledge and skills that optimize the work process, help to sell a product or service faster, and thereby increase the company's income.The knowledge provided by competent lecturers will bring added value to every business, advertising of a product or service, management of internal processes and self-esteem of a person.

Important information

Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa

Minimum requirements for the participant

No requirements

Acquired and improved competencies

Digital competence
Personal, social and learning to learn competence
Entrepreneurship competence
Professional competencies:

Content of the learning program

Topic name Brief description of the topic
Topic name
Habits of top sellers
Brief description of the topic
Top competencies and stages of sellers. Top sellers motivation, systems, habits, accountability, consistent sales cycle.
Topic name
Critical success factors
Brief description of the topic
Controlled - Influenced - Accepted subjects. Understanding the main indicators and conversions of KSF, crystallization of goals.It introduces how to determine growth opportunities based on the CSFs.
Topic name
Transactional techniques
Brief description of the topic
Customer purchase signs are identified, and when it's time to try to make a deal.The types of issues for concluding a transaction are presented and introduced in practice.
Topic name
Internal critic. Psychological aspects of personality and self-expression
Brief description of the topic
The internal critic is analyzed, where it comes from, and what is its function in personal and professional life.Training will provide knowledge on how to recognize the sources of an internal critic and how to turn him into his helper, promoting personal and professional development.
Topic name
Discipline and motivation
Brief description of the topic
It presents how self-discipline can be the main driver of personal and business growth, and how to develop it in everyday practice, how to maintain a high level of motivation even in the face of challenges and how to make it a constant part of habits.
Topic name
Social media platforms
Brief description of the topic
How to use social media platforms effectively in business: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.During the training, the most important aspects that need to be paid attention to when creating and publishing content are discussed so that it is effective and engaging.It analyzes how different types of content , from videos to interactive posts, work on each platform and how this can be exploited to increase customer engagement.
Topic name
Influencer "influencer" marketing for influencers
Brief description of the topic
It teaches you how to quickly increase your followers and drive sales through influencer "influencer" marketing.
Topic name
Brief description of the topic
The art of storytelling and storytelling in the sales process, the creation of a sense of necessity during the presentation, is presented.The functions, benefits of the product / service are analyzed. It is taught to understand the level of interest of the client.
Topic name
Attitude and positive self-care
Brief description of the topic
Participants are introduced to the information processing system, the importance of self-government, affiliations and how to create them, the process of gratitude.
Topic name
Introduction to sales
Brief description of the topic
Purpose and structure of the initial meeting.C.L.A.S.P.presentation of the methodology of questions and C.P.R.- raising an emotional need.
Topic name
Layout options with the Canva program
Brief description of the topic
Creating effective promotional layouts with CANVA: from beginners to professional solutions.The training will provide knowledge on how to take advantage of free and paid CANVA resources, including photo libraries and templates.Outlines the steps to effectively plan and organize your design work so that the development process is smooth and enjoyable, how to adapt the created layouts for different platforms and needs, making the most of the capabilities of CANVA.
Topic name
Photography in business
Brief description of the topic
It presents how to take professional photos with a smartphone: from "selfie" to photographing a product or service.Participants will learn how to take advantage of the capabilities of the smartphone camera and additional tools such as tripods or lighting equipment, etc.
Topic name
Time management
Brief description of the topic
Participants will learn about eight principles for time planning, identify priorities, learn about golden hours and other methods for proper work planning, and be able to audit time.
Topic name
Brief description of the topic
The seven-step process for requesting recommendations is presented. In practice, the process is tested, the circles of influence are defined.
Topic name
Video creation and applications
Brief description of the topic
Making and editing videos on social media: From CapCut to immersive Reels.It discusses how to use different video editing tools and features to create professional-looking videos.Participants will learn how to adapt video content to different platforms like Instagram Reels, Facebook Stories, etc. to make the most of each platform.
Topic name
Artificial intelligence capabilities: how to write selling texts and engage customers on social media
Brief description of the topic
Learning how AI tools can help create content that reflects personality and business identity and increases customer engagement.It will discuss how to use AI tools to analyze and optimize content to increase its impact and effectiveness.
Topic name
Answer "NO"
Brief description of the topic
Participants will learn how to recognize and define their personal and professional boundaries in order to manage their time and energy more efficiently.Will learn how to say no without feeling guilty or worried about the reaction of another person, as well as how to do it in such a way as to maintain a good relationship.
Topic name
Building a customer relationship
Brief description of the topic
It is revealed why it is worthwhile to consistently maintain relationships, how to evaluate the maintenance of consistent communication, methods of maintaining contact.
Topic name
Primary contact
Brief description of the topic
During the training, through the active search for customers, identification of the perfect customer, methods that help to reach decision-makers will be presented.The script of a telephone conversation is introduced and it is revealed how to overcome the unwillingness to make calls.
Topic name
Conflict management
Brief description of the topic
Four main contradictions are indicated, for which you need to prepare and the formula for the answer to the contradiction is presented.

Features of the program

The training will take place at a distance, you will be invited to a closed Facebook group, where you will receive all the other necessary information.

Additional requirements

A working computer with neat video and audio equipment.

Duration of the learning programme

Duration of the learning programme: 54 (ac. h.)
Duration of practical contact work: 38 (ac. h.)
Duration of theoretical contact work: 16 (ac. h.)
Duration of self-employment: 0 (ac. h.)


System / scale of assessment of acquired competencies: Įskaityta.

Important information

Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa

Minimum requirements for the participant

No requirements


Name, Surname
Alina Lydekienė
+370 643 03 795


Šiuo metu grupių nėra.


Mokymus baigusių asmenų bendras mokymosi programos įvertinimas
(Įvertinimų: 140)
Ar Mokymosi programą vykdęs asmuo sukūrė gerą psichologinę atmosferą?
Ar mokymų organizavimas buvo tinkamas?
Ar mokymų vieta / aplinka buvo palanki mokymuisi?
Ar pasiteisino Jūsų lūkesčiai įgyti, patobulinti kompetenciją (-as) (žinias, įgūdžius, gebėjimus)?
Ar vykdytų mokymų turinys atitiko Mokymosi programos turinį?
Ar mokymai Jums buvo naudingi?
Ar gerai vertinate Mokymosi programą vykdžiusio asmens darbą?
Ar mokymo medžiaga / priemonės padėjo geriau suprasti Mokymosi programos turinį?
Ar įgytas žinias, gebėjimus, įgūdžius taikote / taikysite kasdieniame darbe / gyvenime?
Ar pakankamai buvo praktinio darbo / praktinių užsiėmimų?
Ar rekomenduotumėte šią Mokymosi programą savo pažįstamiems?
Reviews from who completed the training
Mokslai verti demesio.
Mokymosi kursas buvo žymiai platesnis nei buvo aprašyta.
Ačiū už informatyvius mokymus
Nuoširdžiai dėkoju už galimybę pasisemti žinių daug naujos informacijos.
Mokymai buvo iš dviejų dalių: apie socialinius tinklus ir pardavimus. Man labai patiko abi mokymų dalys, lektorės labai profesionalios, empatiškos, galinčios atsakyti į įvairiausius klausimus. Esu smulkaus verslo atstovė ir šias žinai jau naudoju savo profesinėje veiklose - tobulinu savo soc. tinklų paskyras ir dėlioju savo pardavimo strategiją, turiu pasiruošusi kur kas geresnių atsakymų į kliento dvejones, prieštaravimus. Geriausia dalis ta, kad abi lektorės nėra tik teoretikės, tačiau ir praktiškai viską taiko kasdien savo pagrindiniuose darbuose. Mokymų organizatorės taip pat labai malonios, atkreipiančios dėmesį į kiekvieną, kas tik kreipiasi. Ačiū visai komandai.
Mokymai patiko, tačiau turiu pastabų, kuriomis norėčiau pasidalinti. Pirmoji mokymų dalis tikrai patiko, nes buvo puikiai pritaikyta mano poreikiams ir atitiko lūkesčius. Joje pristatyti nauji įrankiai, kuriuos dėstytoja Aurelija išmokė naudoti, tapo neatsiejama kasdienės veiklos dalimi ir labai padėjo pagerinti mano darbo efektyvumą. Gavau naudingų įžvalgų apie savo verslo vystymą ir efektyvius metodus, kurie tiesiogiai prisidės prie mano veiklos augimo. Taip pat buvo paliesta ir daug psichologinių, motyvacijos elementų,kas labai įtraukė. Kasdien norėjosi jungtis ir mokytis. Tačiau antroji mokymų dalis pasirodė mažiau tinkama ir įtraukianti, kadangi buvo labiau orientuota į aktyvius pardavimus telefonu, o tai nėra pagrindinė mano veiklos sritis. Dėl šios priežasties ši dalis buvo mažiau naudinga ir sunkiau pritaikoma realiose situacijose. Jei kam nors rekomenduočiau paskaitas, labiau norėčiau kad abi paskaitų dalys būtų labiau orientuotos į smulkųjį verslą,kaip pirmoje dalyje daugiau suteikiančios motyvacijos ir augimo. Bet noriu padėkoti už galimybę pasisemti naujų žinių ir įgūdžių, ačiū!
Dėkoju už puikius mokymus. Butu labai patogu, jeigu paskaitu irasai isliktu visam laikui, kad butu galima esant poreikiui vis pasikartoti. Gal būtų galimybė gauti įrasus ir issiaugoti kompiuteryje?
Viskas praėjo puikai, ačiū!
Labai stiprūs mokymai, labai patiko ir viena ir kita dėstytojos. Dėstytojų profesionalumas pranoko lūkesčius. Kadangi turiu savo verslą, tai labai patiko visos apžvalgos apie socialinius tinklus, o pardavimų mokymai išvis labai išsamūs. Labai ačiū🙂
Viskas, buvo puiku, net studijuodama KTU įmonių valdymą, tokios informacijos negavau, kokią gavau per šiuos mokymus. Džiaugiuosi, kad rinkausi šią mokymo programą.
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