Klaipėdos Ernesto Galvanausko profesinio mokymo centras

Nursing a sick person at home
Learning begins:
70 (ac. h.)
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The non-formal adult education program "Nursing a sick person at home" is attractive for the integration of theory and practice and the inclusion of the development of digital competencies.The purpose of the program is to provide participants with systematized home care solutions and information about nursing and social assistance organizations.During the program, participants will gain nursing knowledge and skills and strengthen their abilities to perform nursing procedures.Expected results: A person who has completed this non-formal education program will be able to assess the nursing needs of the patient and plan nursing care, perform and evaluate nursing actions and procedures, provide first aid, use digital technologies to perform tasks, learn, solve problems, work, communicate and collaborate, manage information, create and share digital content efficiently, properly, safely, critically, independently and ethically.
Important information
Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa
Minimum requirements for the participant
No requirements
Acquired and improved competencies
Personal, social and learning to learn competence
Citizenship competence
Professional competencies:
Ensure and maintain hygiene, and provide first aid
Content of the learning program
Topic name | Brief description of the topic |
Topic name
Features of the diet of patients with various diseases, eating disorders. Feeding methods.
Brief description of the topic
• To describe the principles of rational nutrition, to explain the significance of food ingredients for the human body, the value of foods Describe the peculiarities of nutrition in the presence of various diseases List the causes and symptoms of anorexia nervosa and bulimia Explain the concept and course of active and passive feeding, accurately list and describe the types of enteric mixtures
Topic name
The basics of first aid and the methodology of the initial resuscitation.
Brief description of the topic
Describe the differences between clinical and biological death Listed methods for assessing the signs of life Explain the methodology of resuscitation of an adult and a child Explain the principles of first aid during extreme conditions of the body
Topic name
Measures for the prevention of bedsores.
Brief description of the topic
To list the risk factors for the appearance of bedsores Describe the stages of bedsores Describe ways to prevent bedsores Explain the principles of treatment of bedsores with special bandages.
Topic name
Changing the clothes of a sick person and bed linen.
Brief description of the topic
Explain the technique of dressing and undressing the patient Describe the adaptation of the bed to the needs of the sick person and laying at home Explain the methods of collecting and (if necessary) decontaminating / disinfecting dirty laundry
Topic name
The principles of safe change, lifting and displacement of the position of the body.
Brief description of the topic
Describe the means of lifting used List and explain the position of the sick person Describe a safe environment Provide a standard for safe and ergonomic patient lifting
Topic name
Brief description of the topic
Topic name
Antiseptic and disinfection rules.
Brief description of the topic
Hand hygiene: know the means and methods of hand washing and antiseptic.Be able to wash and disinfect hands correctly. Indoor hygiene: cleaning and disinfecting premises Hygiene of nursing equipment: use means and methods of cleaning, disinfection
Topic name
The basic principles of the use of drugs.
Brief description of the topic
List the forms and methods of use of drugs Submit the rules for the use of medicines
Topic name
Washing and caring for a sick person.
Brief description of the topic
To describe the course of washing a sick person in the shower, bath, bed Describe the principles of caring for the ears, nose, eyes, oral cavity, dentures of a sick person Describe the principles of care for the perineum and genital organs of women and men Indicate the course and principles of the use of pop-up vessels Describe the principles and methods of use of diaper selection
Topic name
Fundamentals of infectious diseases and principles of prevention.
Brief description of the topic
Describe the groups of infectious agents of diseases and the ways of their spread Describe the basics of the epidemiology of communicable diseases Explain the basic principles of the prevention of communicable diseases List and describe personal protective equipment and their correct use
Duration of the learning programme
Duration of the learning programme: 70 (ac. h.)
Duration of practical contact work: 49 (ac. h.)
Duration of theoretical contact work: 21 (ac. h.)
Duration of self-employment: 0 (ac. h.)
System / scale of assessment of acquired competencies: Įskaityta.
Important information
Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa
Minimum requirements for the participant
No requirements
Name, Surname
Aivaras Lajauskas
Tęstinio mokymo skyriaus vedėjas
+370 659 02 471
Šiuo metu grupių nėra.Ratings
Mokymus baigusių asmenų bendras mokymosi programos įvertinimas
Ar gerai vertinate Mokymosi programą vykdžiusio asmens darbą?
Ar Mokymosi programą vykdęs asmuo sukūrė gerą psichologinę atmosferą?
Ar mokymų vieta / aplinka buvo palanki mokymuisi?
Ar įgytas žinias, gebėjimus, įgūdžius taikote / taikysite kasdieniame darbe / gyvenime?
Ar mokymai Jums buvo naudingi?
Ar mokymo medžiaga / priemonės padėjo geriau suprasti Mokymosi programos turinį?
Ar pasiteisino Jūsų lūkesčiai įgyti, patobulinti kompetenciją (-as) (žinias, įgūdžius, gebėjimus)?
Ar vykdytų mokymų turinys atitiko Mokymosi programos turinį?
Ar pakankamai buvo praktinio darbo / praktinių užsiėmimų?
Ar mokymų organizavimas buvo tinkamas?
Ar rekomenduotumėte šią Mokymosi programą savo pažįstamiems?
Reviews from who completed the training
Įrašyti praktinių užsiėmimų video medžiagą, pvz. asmens maitinimas, padėčių keitimas ir pan....
Mokymai buvo tikrai verti. Sužinojau labai daug naudingos informacijos. Labai džiaugiuosi, kad pasirinkau būtent šiuos mokymus.
Labai gera mokymo programa.Labai geros destitojos,suprantamai ir aiškiai viska paaiškino.
Dar kartą noriu padėkoti dėstytojams už suteiktas žinias, ir, įpatingai didelį AČIŪ dėstytojai Renatai ne tik už išsamų medžiagos išdėstymą, bet ir už atsidavimą/meilę darbui kurį dirba, bei praktinę paskaitą.
aciu uz suteikta galimybe igyti teoriniu ir praktiniu ziniu
Už suteiktas žinias nuoširdus ačiū mokytojams Renatai Tamošiūnaitei, Kęstučiui Trakšeliui, Gabrielei Voverytei ir Karolinai Gedaminei.
daugiau tokių mokymų
Man labai patiko
Destytojai nuostabus,aciu Jiems
Gerų kompetencijų turintys dėstytojai. Išsamiai atsakyta į visus užduodamus klausimus. Nuoširdžiai noriu padėkoti.
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