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Textiles (clothing, footwear and leather)
Sewing children's clothes
Šiaulių technologijų mokymo centras

Sewing children's clothes

Learning begins:
100 (ac. h.)
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About course

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During the program, it will be taught to select and apply the constructions of children's clothes, the necessary materials and fittings, to select the lekals of clothes, to apply to the children's figure, to cut the details of the product.To sew children's clothes in accordance with technological requirements, to carry out the finishing decoration of clothes.Do everything in accordance with the requirements of occupational safety and health, personal hygiene, ergonomics.

Important information

Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa

Minimum requirements for the participant

Pagrindinis išsilavinimas

Acquired and improved competencies

Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering
Personal, social and learning to learn competence
Professional competencies:
To prepare the workplace of the seamstress and the equipment used in the technological processes of sewing.
Cut the details of children's clothes.
To manage and maintain the equipment used in the technological processes of sewing.
Combine the details of children's clothing into the product.
Process and sew the details of children's clothes.

Content of the learning program

Topic name Brief description of the topic
Topic name
Descriptions of models of children's clothing.
Brief description of the topic
Use descriptions of models of children's clothes, construction drawings.
Topic name
Machine seams
Brief description of the topic
Sew machine seams.
Topic name
Features of the measurement of children's figures.
Brief description of the topic
Use descriptions of models of children's clothes, construction drawings.
Topic name
Sewing of pet clothing details.
Brief description of the topic
Sew the details of children's clothes.
Topic name
The course of sewing children's shoulder clothes.
Brief description of the topic
Know the methods of processing details of children's clothes, sewing technology and schemes.
Topic name
Features of cutting children's clothes.
Brief description of the topic
Cut the details of children's clothes.
Topic name
The connection of the details of the waistwear into the product.
Brief description of the topic
To combine the details of children's clothes according to the technological sequences of connection.
Topic name
Tailor's workplace
Brief description of the topic
To prepare the workplace of the seamstress.
Topic name
Merging the details of shoulder clothes into the product.
Brief description of the topic
To combine the details of children's clothes according to the technological sequences of connection.
Topic name
Terms of manual labor.
Brief description of the topic
To carry out manual sewing work.
Topic name
The course of sewing children's waistwear.
Brief description of the topic
Know the methods of processing details of children's clothes, sewing technology and schemes.
Topic name
Reading the structural drawing of children's clothes.
Brief description of the topic
Use descriptions of models of children's clothes, construction drawings.
Topic name
Sewing waist details of clothing.
Brief description of the topic
Sew the details of children's clothes.
Topic name
Technological equipment
Brief description of the topic
To prepare the equipment used in the technological processes of sewing.
Topic name
Technological failures of sewing equipment.
Brief description of the topic
To identify uncomplicated malfunctions of the equipment used in sewing technological processes and eliminate them.
Topic name
Maintenance of equipment for the technological process of sewing.
Brief description of the topic
To carry out daily preventive maintenance of the equipment used in the technological processes of sewing.
Topic name
Initial sewing skills
Brief description of the topic
Safely work with equipment used in sewing technological processes.
Topic name
Classification of hand stitches.
Brief description of the topic
To carry out manual sewing work.
Topic name
Hand stitches
Brief description of the topic
To carry out manual sewing work.
Topic name
Wet heat treatment (DSH) equipment.
Brief description of the topic
Safely work with equipment used in sewing technological processes.
Topic name
Sewing machine parts and mechanisms
Brief description of the topic
Safely work with equipment used in sewing technological processes.
Topic name
Selection of basic and auxiliary materials for children's clothing.
Brief description of the topic
Choose and combine materials and fittings.
Topic name
Selection of clippings for children's clothes.
Brief description of the topic
Choose clippings for children's clothes.
Topic name
Terms of machine work.
Brief description of the topic
Sew machine seams.
Topic name
Final works on children's clothing.
Brief description of the topic
To carry out operations on the finishing works of children's clothing.

Duration of the learning programme

Duration of the learning programme: 100 (ac. h.)
Duration of practical contact work: 70 (ac. h.)
Duration of theoretical contact work: 30 (ac. h.)
Duration of self-employment: 0 (ac. h.)


System / scale of assessment of acquired competencies: 1-10.

Important information

Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa

Minimum requirements for the participant

Pagrindinis išsilavinimas


Name, Surname
Vyga Adomaitė
Sveikatos priežiūros ir socialinės gerovės skyriaus vadovė
+370 673 02 583


Šiuo metu grupių nėra.


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Ar mokymai Jums buvo naudingi?
Ar rekomenduotumėte šią Mokymosi programą savo pažįstamiems?
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