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Production of bakery products of national heritage
Utenos regioninis profesinio mokymo centras

Production of bakery products of national heritage

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Learning begins:
54 (ac. h.)
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About course

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Purpose of the program: The curriculum is designed for the professional development of all persons with basic education aged 18-65 years, the duration of the training program is 3 credits (54 hours). The aim of the training program is to preserve, transfer and foster the unique Lithuanian traditions of the production of baked goods (rye bread, improved yeast cake and branches), to promote cultural heritage and identity.Acquired and improved competencies General competencies: Mathematical competence and competence of natural sciences, technologies and engineering Personal, social and learning to learn competence Cultural awareness and expression Competence Professional competencies: To select, calculate and prepare the required amount of raw materials according to the recipes.To bake baked goods of national heritage.To assess the quality of baked goods of national heritage, to decorate them and prepare them for realization.

Important information

Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa
Volume of credits

Minimum requirements for the participant

Pagrindinis išsilavinimas

Acquired and improved competencies

Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering
Digital competence
Competence in cultural awareness and expression
Professional competencies:
Select, calculate and prepare the required amount of raw materials according to the recipes.
Bake baked goods of national heritage.
To assess the quality of baked goods of national heritage, to decorate them and prepare them for realization.

Content of the learning program

Topic name Brief description of the topic
Topic name
Selection and calculation of food products and raw materials for the manufacture of dough.
Brief description of the topic
Characteristics of food products and raw materials, quality indicators, storage conditions and shelf life.Selection and calculation of food products and raw materials on the basis of technological cards.
Topic name
Technological operations for the preparation of raw materials
Brief description of the topic
Preparation of raw materials for mixing dough.Quality requirements for raw materials and food products.Organoleptic check of the quality of foodstuffs and raw materials
Topic name
Technological operations for baking rye bread
Brief description of the topic
Kneading the dough. The formation of semi-finished products. Raising.Decoration of semi-finished products before baking. Baking.Cooling products
Topic name
Technological operations for baking forks
Brief description of the topic
Mixing the puff pastry of the branches. Baking.Cooling of products.Removal from equipment.
Topic name
Premises for the manufacture of bakery and pastry products and requirements for them
Brief description of the topic
Layout of the premises for the production of bakery and pastry products. Arrangement of workplaces.Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the workplace.
Topic name
Baked goods of national heritage, their recipes, methods of production.
Brief description of the topic
Characteristics and importance for cultural heritage of baked goods of Lithuanian national heritage: rye bread, improved yeast dough cake "Easter boba" and shakočiai; methods and recipes for their manufacture.
Topic name
Technological operations for baking the cake "Easter boba"
Brief description of the topic
Kneading the dough for improved pastry products. The formation of semi-finished products. Raising.Decoration of semi-finished products before baking. Baking.Cooling products
Topic name
Installations for the manufacture of bread and pastry products
Brief description of the topic
Requirements for the operation of facilities.Preparation of facilities for operation. Safe work with tools and inventory for making bread and pastry products

Duration of the learning programme

Duration of the learning programme: 54 (ac. h.)
Duration of practical contact work: 44 (ac. h.)
Duration of theoretical contact work: 10 (ac. h.)
Duration of self-employment: 0 (ac. h.)


System / scale of assessment of acquired competencies: Įskaityta.

Important information

Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa
Volume of credits

Minimum requirements for the participant

Pagrindinis išsilavinimas


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868650844, 865542050


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