Fine crafts
Kauno technologijų mokymo centras
Interior and exterior decoration, applying the technique of floristics, needlework and weaving from wicker with elements of folk art
Learning begins:
130 (ac. h.)
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The non-formal adult education and continuing education program for non-formal adult education and continuing learning, adapting the technique of floristics, handicrafts and weaving from wicker with elements of folk art, is intended for those working in Lithuania who have received an education for 18-65 years, persons who would be able to create interior and exterior phytocompositions, handicrafts and articles made of wicker with elements of folk art.The program is allocated 135 hours, 5 credits.The selection of plants for various purposes and different environmental conditions for interiors and their accesses, the creation of interior phytocompositions, the composition of phytocompositions in the exterior, the selection of materials and repurposing tools, the selection of binding tools and raw materials, the late handicrafts, the binding of knots, the binding of ethnic artifacts, the adaptation of products to the interior of the house, the traditional methods of cutting folk warps, the weaving of circular baskets, decorative plates and others are acquired or improved professional competence in weaving and applying articles using various materials to interior decoration.
Important information
Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa
Volume of credits
Minimum requirements for the participant
No requirements
Acquired and improved competencies
Digital competence
Personal, social and learning to learn competence
Competence in cultural awareness and expression
Professional competencies:
To select materials, tools and tools for the delay of needlework, the binding of handicrafts made of textiles and other materials.
To select plants for interiors of various purposes and different environmental conditions and their access.
Collect and prepare plants for the manufacture of decorative items from straw, hay and similar materials.
Compose phytocompositions in the exterior.
Creating phytocompositions in the interior.
Weave decorative plates from wicker and fiber.
Apply products to the interior.
Weave circular baskets on the form in the main and full ways of weaving according to the work schemes.
Cut out traditional folk warblers.
Choose a suitable raw material for work (wicker, fiber or other materials used for weave).
Weave decorative items by combining and using leather waste, textile strips and other materials.
Tie ethnic artifacts made of hay, straw and similar materials.
To drag off handicrafts in a wet and dry way of delaying.
Recognize the range of decorative items of simple design from the fibers and the applied weave techniques.
Use knot binding techniques, combine them with each other and tie decorative products.
Content of the learning program
Topic name | Brief description of the topic |
Topic name
Tying handicrafts from hay, straw and similar materials
Brief description of the topic
Binding materials, their collection and preparation. Tools and tools are used for work.Binding ethnic artifacts made of straw, hay and grasslands. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.Creative application of products in the interior.
Topic name
Weave of decorative items
Brief description of the topic
Weave of decorative ware in the main, complete ways of weaving according to the technological description.Calculation according to the technological description. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.Creative application of products in the interior.
Topic name
Production of handicrafts from paper
Brief description of the topic
The origins and traditions of the carapace technique. Types of carps. Clipping of warts with scissors.Cutting of carp applied in the household. Decorating with carvings. Application of dimensions in the carapace.Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals. Creative application of products in the interior.
Topic name
Preparation of a project for floristic decoration of the interior
Brief description of the topic
Stages of design of floristic decoration of the interior. Preparation of a specific interior floristic decoration project.Acquaintance with the programs for the design of landscaping and their application.Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals
Topic name
Weave of baskets of uncomplicated shape
Brief description of the topic
The order of manufacture of basket frames, construction and basket frames.Weave of frame baskets in full weave techniques according to work schemes.Weave baskets without a shape with the main ways of weaving according to the schemes of work.Completion of the finished products by the main methods of completion (two,three pairs of wicker braid, pancreas) according to the schemes of work.Calculation using work schemes. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.Creative application of products in the interior.
Topic name
Selection of dishes, pots, containers for different types of interiors
Brief description of the topic
Variety of dishes, pots, containers. Selection of dishes, pots, containers for different types of interiors.Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals. Creative selection of dishes, pots, containers for interiors.
Topic name
Styles of the nearest interior accesses (balconies, lodges, verandas, terraces) and their characteristic features
Brief description of the topic
The purpose, differences, features of the balcony, loggia, veranda and terrace.Closed and open spaces. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.Acquaintance with the styles of the interior and their application.
Topic name
Indoor plants
Brief description of the topic
Classification of indoor plants by decorative features. Classification of indoor plants by climatic belts.Care for indoor plants." Using the Excel program to compile a list of plants.Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.
Topic name
Simple design of decorative articles made of fiber
Brief description of the topic
Weave of decorative items of simple design from fiber with a cross according to the scheme of work.Calculation using work schemes. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.Creative application of products in the interior.
Topic name
The concept and variety of flowerbeds
Brief description of the topic
The concept and variety of flowerbeds, planning. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.Creative planning of flowerbeds.
Topic name
Floristic accessories for interior phytocompositions
Brief description of the topic
The range of accessories used for interior phytocompositions. Selection and application of floristic axesaurs, creating specific phytocomppositions for the interior.Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals. Creative creation of phytocompoposes.
Topic name
Selection of plants according to bio-ecological and decorative criteria in the interior for interiors
Brief description of the topic
Selection of plants for the interior of commercial, industrial, public and residential purposes according to bio-ecological and decorative interior criteria.Selection of plants for interiors of different environmental conditions and their access.
Topic name
Outdoor decorative plants
Brief description of the topic
The range of outdoor decorative trees and shrubs. The range of outdoor decorative herbaceous plants.Using the Excel program to compile a list of plants. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.
Topic name
Typology of phytocompositions for interiors
Brief description of the topic
Florarium, poludarium, desert garden. Soliteres.Vertical phytocompositives.Mini-compositions. Changing phytocompositions. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.Creative creation of phytocompoposes.
Topic name
Preparing plants for composing
Brief description of the topic
Compatibility and selection of plants for composing in pots. Preparation of plants for composing in pots.Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals. Creative composition of plants.
Topic name
Binding of handicrafts made of textiles
Brief description of the topic
The main binding tools and raw materials. Techniques of tying the main nodes, tuning the nodes with each other.The range of articles produced by binding. Application of tied products to the interior of the house.Calculation of nodes in the process of binding. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.Creative application of products in the interior.
Topic name
Repetition of decorative articles
Brief description of the topic
Materials and means of delay. Assortment of felt articles.Wet delay. Delay in the dry way.Application of manufactured products to the interior of the house. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.Creative reappearance of articles and application of products in the interior.
Topic name
Preparation of outdoor plants in pots for composing
Brief description of the topic
Purposeful selection of means, containers for outdoor plants in pots, preparation for composing.Preparation of outdoor plants in pots for composing. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.Creative composing of phytocompoposes.
Topic name
Planting, reproduction and cultivation of indoor plants
Brief description of the topic
Planting a plant, reproduction. Watering, fertilizing, pruning, renewal of indoor plants.Conditions for storage and realization of indoor plants. Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals.
Topic name
Styles of the interior and the nearest approaches and their characteristic features
Brief description of the topic
The interior of the classic, modern, rustic, modern, Scandinavian style and its characteristic features.Planning the process, setting goals to achieve goals. Acquaintance with the styles of the interior and their application.
Duration of the learning programme
Duration of the learning programme: 130 (ac. h.)
Duration of practical contact work: 75 (ac. h.)
Duration of theoretical contact work: 25 (ac. h.)
Duration of self-employment: 30 (ac. h.)
System / scale of assessment of acquired competencies: 1-10.
Important information
Way of learning
Aukštos pridėtinės vertės programa
Volume of credits
Minimum requirements for the participant
No requirements
Name, Surname
Rita Jakaitienė
Direktoriaus pavaduotoja plėtrai
+370 605 71 952
Šiuo metu grupių nėra.Ratings
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Ar mokymų organizavimas buvo tinkamas?
Ar pasiteisino Jūsų lūkesčiai įgyti, patobulinti kompetenciją (-as) (žinias, įgūdžius, gebėjimus)?
Ar įgytas žinias, gebėjimus, įgūdžius taikote / taikysite kasdieniame darbe / gyvenime?
Ar gerai vertinate Mokymosi programą vykdžiusio asmens darbą?
Ar vykdytų mokymų turinys atitiko Mokymosi programos turinį?
Ar mokymo medžiaga / priemonės padėjo geriau suprasti Mokymosi programos turinį?
Ar pakankamai buvo praktinio darbo / praktinių užsiėmimų?
Ar mokymai Jums buvo naudingi?
Ar rekomenduotumėte šią Mokymosi programą savo pažįstamiems?
Reviews from who completed the training
Nors mokymų programa pilnai išpildyta nebuvo, tačiau mokymų turinys buvo praktiškas, naudingas ir ateities perspektyvoje tiksliniai pritaikytinas. Mokymai ne tik atnaujino turimas žinias, bet ir suteikė naujų kompetencijų, galimybių tobulėjimui ir naujų idėjų kūrybai bei savirealizacijai. Rankdarbių ir vytelių programos dėstytojai visiems užsiėmimams buvo pasiruošę, mielai dalinosi savo praktinėmis žiniomis ir idėjomis kasdienio ir šventinio dekoro tema. Šiuos kursus mielai rekomendavau savo kolegoms. Nuoširdus ačiū mokymo įstaigos valgyklos personalui už kasdienę šviežią ir skanią vakarienę, kuri prisidėjo prie produktyvaus keturias valandas trunkančio praktinio mokymo proceso. Ačiū !!!
Tikrai pasiulysiu pažįstamiems ir draugams Kursuok.gavau labai daug naudingos informacijos
Siūlau pakoreguoti programą pagal realius mokymus, kad klientai gautų tai, dėl ko atėjo. Kai kada jautėsi mokytojo nepasiruošimas mokymams, gal programos neturėjimas, nes akivaizdžiai buvo „tempiamas“ laikas, toks nepagarbus elgesys su klientais erzino, kėlė nereikalingas apkalbas. Kai kada trūko atsižvelgimo į pažengusius mokinius, buvo orientuota pagrinde į pradinį lygį. Mokymus organizuoti ne daugiau kaip po 2- max 3 vakarus per savaitę – buvo per daug po 3-4 vakarus savaitėje, labai išvargau į pabaigą. Iš esmės, didžioji dalis mokytojų buvo lankstūs, atsižvelgdavo į moknių pageidavimus. Dar kartą pasikartosiu, kad man mokymai buvo naudingi, gerai praleidau laiką, daug ko išmokau, susipažinau su įdomiais žmonėmis, rekomenduosiu mokymus kitiems. Dėkoju :)
Užsiėmimai 5 k./sav. dirbančiam žmogui yra per įtemptas. Patogiau būtų 2-3 k./sav., tačiau užtrūkęs ilgiau mėnesių.
Mokymosi programa galėjo vykti į savaitę 2-3kartus
Patiko kursai
kursai kiek per intensyvūs, 4 dienos per savaitę per daug. Informacija aiški, koncentruota, praktikos pakankamai.
Užsiėmimų tvarkaraštis sudarytas neatsižvelgiant į dirbančiųjų poreikius, buvo per daug įtemptas tvarkaraštis
Per ilgi dienos užsiėmimai, užsitęsiantys iki 21.15.
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